The Forbidden Oneonta Gorge – Before it Closed

Oneonta Gorge Oregon

An Experience to Remember

Once in a while, an experience leaves you awe-inspired, like you are the luckiest person alive, and all you can do is stand there and try to take it all in. For me, the Oneonta Gorge is one of these experiences.

When I first learned of this moss-covered stream in the bottom slot canyon, I knew I had to go. Ever since I was a young boy and my family took a road trip through Washington and Oregon, I fell in love with the landscape of this area. It was green and wet, filled with various vegetation and aromatic smells. Contrastingly very different to the Snake River Plain in Eastern Idaho, where I grew up.

Finally, it was my turn to load up my young family and head for the coast. I planned our whole trip around this stop at the Oneonta Gorge. I wanted the conditions to be perfect and only a few people around. (I had seen pictures of this place in the summer with hundreds of people). I decided on adventuring in mid-April, anticipating heavy rain and no crowds.

We decided to base camp at the Hood River Inn for a few days. That way, we could explore the gorgeous outdoors before moving on to the coast. Once in Hood River, the weather forecast had only rain for the entire week! I was so excited! It may seem strange that a forecast for rain during our vacation made me happy, but I had read about how heavy rain can make waterfalls off cliffs that only appear momentarily during the downpour. These hidden waterfalls are what I yearned to capture with my nature photography.

Lucky or Crazy??

At last, I decided the time was right and drove to the trailhead in the pouring rain. When I arrived, I was the only one there! That either meant I was very lucky or crazy. I like to think that I was lucky; others might not agree. Something about wading through waist-deep, piercing cold water in the pouring rain with a bunch of camera gear doesn’t appeal to most.

Near the beginning of this hike, there is an impressive obstacle, the log jam. I had done my research and was expecting this, but what I pictured in my mind was a few logs piled up, no big deal. When I arrived and saw hundreds of logs piled up like a giant jungle gym and no way around, I was shocked. Add in the fact that the logs were wet and slippery, and this fun hike in the rain quickly turned dangerous, as one wrong step could spell disaster. I took my time, was very cautious, and made it through just fine, but it was more intense than I expected.

Once past the log jam, the canyon narrows, and you begin wading up the creek. It varied in depth from knee to chest deep in places. I didn’t mind because I was too enthralled with everything around me. The towering canyon walls began to weep as water ran through the moss and cascaded down. It was one of those rare instances where everything came together, and it was just awesome to experience.

Planning a Visit

I understand that the Oneonta Gorge is now closed, but you can still explore other trails in that area. In addition, it is very close to Multnomah Falls! Multnomah Falls is a spectacular waterfall on Multnomah Creek in the Columbia River Gorge. Make sure you research the latest guidelines and recommendations for your visit to the area, as they can change frequently. Please be careful as you head out on your next outdoor adventure. Let me help you bring your adventure home with gorgeous nature wall art from my landscape photography gallery. View additional photos from my Oregon gallery below!

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